Retinattraktiv est un projet d'upcycling streetwear ultragraphique. Inspiré par le mouvement DIY, la marque transforme des vêtements techniques de seconde main en "Everyday Armors" par l’ajout de visuels impactant comme une signature. 

Alliant techniques artisanales et matériel technologique (peinture à la main, dessin robotisé, gravure laser, broderie numérique, impression 3D ou techniques d'impression traditionnelles), la fusion de ces procédés débloque le vrai potentiel des vêtements graphiques.

Franchissez le cap – choisissez dès aujourd’hui votre "Everyday Armors" à porter en toutes circonstances.




Retinattraktiv is an upcycling streetwear brand, fusing fashion and wearable art to create empowering "Everyday Armors." Driven by a multi-disciplinary artist influenced by DIY culture, the brand transforms second-hand technical clothing by crafting bold visuals as its signature.

These designs are enhanced through a balance between traditional craftsmanship and technology, such as hand-painting, robotic drawing, laser engraving, embroidery, 3D printing, traditional printing, and more. The fusion of these innovative methods unlocks the true potential of graphics on clothes.

Don't wait – claim your favorite piece today and empower yourself with a distinctive Everyday Armor from Retinattraktiv.